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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Group B Lab 6 Hoof and Claw Trimming, Foot and Claw Trimming Involves Anatomy, Cases ???? 1. OVERGROWN HOOVES, Foot and Claw Trimming Involves Restraint (scroll over), Foot and Claw Trimming What is? Overview, Cases ???? 2. SEPTIC ARTHRITIS, Predilection Sites for common causes Lameness (Hindlimb) Includes Solar Ulcer, Predilection Sites for common causes Lameness (Hindlimb) Includes White line Disease, Foot and Claw Trimming Involves Methods, Principles Why is it done? 2. Spare the heel, leave sole thickness, Overview ???? Principles, Principles Why is it done? 4. Correct toe overgrowth to correct foot angle, Foot and Claw Trimming Involves Predilection Sites, Methods Dutch 5 step Method, Predilection Sites for common causes Lameness (Hindlimb) Includes "Slurry Heel", 1. Trim toe length to 7.5cm 2. Match untrimmed claw to this, Principles Why is it done? 1. Remove dead or diseased horn, Principles Why is it done? 5. Allow the walls to bear most weight, take weight off the sole ulcer site, Cases ???? 3. SOLAR ABSCESS, Corrective Trimming 4. Relieve weight off painful claw, Principles Why is it done? 3. Remove weight from painful claws